Community Index Magazine 2020 will be launched at the beginning of June 2020. The magazine is an annual directory created with the purpose of communicating the best campaigns of Romanian companies and expert advice from national and international professionals.
WHAT? The results of Community Index 2020 will be published in Community Index Magazine #2. This magazine will contain the conclusions of the analysis of over 450 CSR projects or programs in Romania.
HOW? We will highlight trends and best practices at national and international levels of management and communication of CSR programs. We will announce the best campaigns in Romania depending on communities and we will publish case studies of the best projects. In addition, we will include interviews with national and international experts in the field of Community Investment.
WHY? Successful projects contribute to increasing the reputation of a company, employees become more involved, more active and more open to dialogue and willing to help.
Our 2019 edition of Community Index Magazine marked several firsts in the filed of CSR:
The biggest database of CSR projects
The biggest number of CSR Categories: 17
78 distinctions of the best CSR projects
The only bilingual magazine in the CSR field: Romanian & English
10 interviews with international experts
12 interviews with local CEOs and CSR experts
15 case studies of outstanding CSR projects
For more information, please get in touch with our Managing Partner: Alina Liciu, email: